The best DIY Tech blogs and websites are a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about DIY Tech. But with thousands of DIY Tech sites on the web, it can be challenging to find the best ones. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best DIY Tech websites and blogs, ranked by popularity, so you don’t have to look any further.
DIY Tech Blogs and Websites
Here are the best DIY Tech blogs and websites in 2025:

Hackaday serves up Fresh Hacks Every Day from around the Internet. Its playful posts are the gold-standard in entertainment for engineers and engineering enthusiasts.
Hackaday is taking back the term “Hacking” which has been soured in the public mind. Hacking is an art form that uses something in a way in which it was not originally intended. This highly creative activity can be highly technical, simply clever, or both. Hackers bask in the glory of building it instead of buying it, repairing it rather than trashing it, and raiding their junk bins for new projects every time they can steal a few moments away.
Makezine » Technology

Magazine that celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your will.
Location: Santa Rosa, California, US
Geeky Gadgets » DIY Projects

Geeky Gadgets, is your ultimate source for gadgets and technology news. For over 16 years, Geeky Gadgets has been on the frontier of tech news, uncovering gems in software, hardware, and electrifying gadgets from every corner of the globe. Its insightful reporting has not only made it an authoritative voice in the tech landscape but a connoisseur of innovation that millions trust.
Hagerty » DIY

Hagerty Media delivers the best DIY content including breaking news, updates, and trending features from across the car industry.
Location: Traverse City, Michigan, US
Arduino Blog

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino designs, manufactures, and supports electronic devices and software, allowing people around the world to easily access advanced technologies that interact with the physical world.
Location: US

ElectroSchematics Offers Thousands Of Electronic Projects, Circuits, Schematics, Datasheets, Online Tools, and Easy To Read Diagrams.
Gizmodo » DIY

Founded in 2002 as one of the internet’s very first “tech blogs,” Gizmodo is dedicated to fiercely independent reporting and commentary on technology, science, and internet culture.
Gizmodo’s sections include Earther (reporting on climate change), io9 (genre entertainment), and Spaceflight (space exploration). It also encompasses Gizmodo en Español, which publishes original Spanish-language content.

The world’s largest UAV community, where over 100,000 members build, share and fly drones.
If you know of DIY Tech blogs and websites that are popular and not in this article, let us know in the comments so that we can add them to this list.