Brown is a composite color, made up of varying amounts of red, yellow, and black. It can be light or dark, warm or cool, and everything in between. The hex code for brown is #964B00.
Brown is often associated with nature, stability, and comfort. It’s the color of the earth, trees, human eyes, and wood. It’s also the color of many of our favorite foods and drinks, like chocolate, coffee, and beer.
Suggested color combination for brown:
- Black
- Green
- Blue
- Gray
Are you looking for an alternative hue? The following colors are related to brown:
- Red
- Black
- Yellow
- Green
Information About Brown Color
The hex code #964B00 represents the color Brown in the RGB color space, which is created using three colored lights red, green, and blue. It is composed of 58.8% red, 29.4% green, and 0% blue.
In the CMYK color space, which is commonly used in color printing and also known as process color or four colors, #964B00 is composed of 0% cyan, 50% magenta, 100% yellow, and 41% black.
Brown has a hue angle of 30 degrees, indicating its position on the color wheel, with a saturation of 100%, indicating its intensity or purity, and a lightness of 29.4%, indicating its perceived brightness.
Brown Color Conversion
Hexadecimal color code #964B00 has RGB values of R: 58.8, G: 29.4, B: 0, and CMYK values of C: 0, M: 0.5, Y: 1, K:0.41.
- Brown Hex Code: #964B00
- RGB DECIMAL: 150, 75, 0
- RGB PERCENTAGE: 58.8, 29.4, 0
- CMYK: 0, 50, 100, 41
- HSL: 30°, 100, 29.4
- HSV (OR HSB): 30°, 100, 58.8
- WEB SAFE: 993300
- CIE-LAB: 40.44, 27.498, 50.142
- XYZ: 15.095, 11.518, 1.428
- XYY: 0.538, 0.411, 11.518
- CIE-LCH: 40.44, 57.187, 61.259
- CIE-LUV: 40.44, 61.192, 37.404
- HUNTER-LAB: 33.938, 22.162, 20.161
- BINARY: 10010110, 01001011, 00000000
Meanings of Brown
Brown is a color with many different meanings. It is often associated with the following:
Brown is the color of the earth, trees, and wood. It is a symbol of stability, growth, and strength.
Brown is a warm color that is often associated with things like fireplaces, hot chocolate, and cozy homes. It is a color that can evoke feelings of comfort and security.
Brown is a reliable color that is often associated with things like business suits, leather goods, and wood furniture. It is a color that projects an image of professionalism and trustworthiness.
Brown is a simple color that is often associated with things like natural fabrics, rustic décor, and homemade food. It is a color that can evoke feelings of authenticity and genuineness.
Uses of Brown
Brown is a versatile color that is used in a variety of ways. It is a popular color for clothing, furniture, home décor, and food.
Clothing: Brown is a popular color for clothing because it is both versatile and stylish. Brown clothes can be dressed up or down, and they can be paired with a variety of other colors.
Furniture: Brown is a popular color for furniture because it is durable and easy to match with other colors. Brown furniture can also add warmth and comfort to a room.
Home décor: Brown is a popular color for home décor because it is neutral and can be used to create a variety of different looks. Brown can be used to create a warm and inviting space, or it can be used to create a more modern and minimalist look.
Food: Brown is a popular color for food because it is associated with natural and wholesome ingredients. Brown foods like chocolate, bread, and coffee are often seen as being more healthy and nutritious than processed foods.